Executive Director and CEO

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Zulfiquar Ghadiyali

Executive Director and CEO
  • Palace Gate No. 12, Ministries Complex, Al Mouroj Street, Al Muntazah, Abu Dhabi, UAE

H.E. Mr. Zulfiquar Ghadiyali is a multi-facetted technocrat, businessman and entrepreneur donning multiple hats. His business interests and acumen span different countries and diverse sectors across all major continents. He is a social entrepreneur and a social innovator, who aspires to create a significant social impact on countries and their citizens. H.E. is a seasoned Investment management professional having managed several funds and investment initiatives across sectors worldwide.

H.E. Ghadiyali’s founding member of United Nations University for peace established Commission for peace under its peace innovation Initiative. H.E. Ghadiyali is also Global Peace Ambassador for the University for peace to support sustainable development in order to establish long term positive peace across the world.

His excellency was earlier Executive Director of Business management Sheikh Hamdan Bin Khalifa Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan. with over 30 years of experience in investment and asset management, H.E. Ghadiyali has executed deals over 30 billion USD around the world across various sector.

H.E. is Founder of Los Angeles based Film and entertainment production company called Cinemoi, which focuses on artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

H.E. has been involved in various social entrepreneurship projects in field of education, renewable energy, medical and healthcare services across Asia, India and Africa under his chairmanship at Blue Sky Villages – social Impact investment enterprise. Blue Sky Village focuses on social entrepreneurship initiatives across the world.

H.E. represents industry and society at large and have been pioneer in supporting companies from across the world to establish in Middle East and North Africa with support of highest levels through office of HRH Sheikh. H.E. Is also on board of BTour chain under Chairmanship of Prime Minister Seoung Han of South Korea. The company is focussed on philanthropy using blockchain technology.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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