Royal Arab Holding Group


Commitment to SDG and ESG

SDG for Smarter business for a stronger world through ESG framework

Private office of His Highness Sheikh tahnoon bin saeed bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan is building an ecosystem for sustainable peacebuilding by bringing all society sectors together and harnessing their relative strengths and insights to innovate for change. We envision a world where our global systems are built on a foundational framework for sustainable, positive peace. In order to create such a world, We will: invest in original, collaborative research on peace & technology; build a digital peace education platform; design & build peace innovation projects and products; create commercialization opportunities for peace innovations; engage in high-level media campaigns and public talks; and build and offer training and consultation to the private sector and interested institutions on peace, peace innovation and integration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Private office of His Highness Sheikh tahnoon bin saeed bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan will operate in a self-sustaining manner, where our initiative outputs support its infrastructure, in a circular model.

In this way, We value peace as a practice and believes such circular systems are the most effective way to create positive change and achieve the SDGs.

ESG is more than ticking boxes. It’s about making a difference – for your business and our world. Creating sustained outcomes that drive value and fuel growth, whilst strengthening our environment and societies.

Our passionate Team members are ready to put in the work with you – environmentalists, sociologists, economists, strategists, technologists. Combining real world experience with a commitment to change. They’ll help you to turn theory into action. Business as usual into new ways of thinking and doing. People and technology working together to find solutions larger than today. Creating a transparently brighter future for generations to come.Strategy led action plan.

ESG is more than good intentions. It’s about creating a tangible, practical plan that achieves real results. Success is not about climate change, diversity and disclosures alone. It’s about embedding these principles- and more across your business- from investment to sustainable innovation. Bringing together your best people and smartest technology so you can see more, go deeper and act swiftly. Enabling you to tackle the biggest challenges of today – and capture the best opportunities of tomorrow.